Summer Lip Care: Maintain the Perfect Lips

During the hot summer months, skincare quickly becomes focused around maintaining dewy skin. Serums, self tanners, and glowy moisturizers appear on vanities everywhere, helping to keep skin nourished and sunkissed.
But with all of this focus on skincare comes little focus on lip care, often leaving the lips feeling dry and chapped. One of the best parts of summer is being able to wear bold, statement lip colors and doing so with chapped lips is not only uncomfortable, but also unflattering, as the bright pigments highlight the uneven texture. For a summer lip routine that sure to keep your lips looking luscious in just three steps, keep on scrolling.
STEP 1: Lip Exfoliator- Gently scrub away the dead skin cells by pressing and smoothing the Lip Exfoliator all over your top and bottom lip. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rub off the excess gently with dry fingers.
STEP 2: Pure Vitamin E Lipstick- Lather your lips with this moisturizing balm that contains a natural sunscreen. It’s easy to apply and easy to throw in your beach bag because of the lipstick-shaped applicator.
STEP 3: Lip Plumper- For full lips, apply this all-natural lip treatment to your lips; the more you use it, the more results you’ll see.
Repeat these steps morning and night and feel free to reapply during the day.